There are approximately 520 Approved Housing Bodies in Ireland with a stock size of over 30,000 homes. AHBs provide housing in response to a range of different needs including families on low incomes, households with special needs, such as older persons, people with disabilities and homeless households. AHBs work in partnership with Local Authorities, and receive nominations from the Local Authority social housing waiting list for available accommodation provided by the AHB.

The Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2015 amended the 2004 Residential Tenancies Act and brought tenancies of Approved Housing Bodies under the remit of the RTB. Housing Associations were given a period of 12 months from the commencement of the Act in April 2016, for the initial registration of their tenancies at a reduced fee (€45 for a period of 12 months only). 

Approved Housing Bodies: Rent setting and Rent Reviews

Rent setting  

Rent is set for Approved Housing Body (“AHB”) tenancies in accordance with the contract or lease between the public authority and the AHB or in accordance with the terms of assistance given by the housing authority to the AHB.  

Rent reviews  

A rent review for an AHB tenancy must be carried out in accordance with the terms of the tenancy agreement between the AHB and the tenant.   

If the tenancy agreement does not deal with rent reviews, either party may require a rent review to be carried out but this cannot occur more than once in any 12-month period.  

Where there is a change in the rent payable following a rent review, the AHB must notify the household of the new rent in accordance with the terms of the tenancy agreement or if the tenancy agreement does not deal with this, as soon as practicable.